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Currently, we are facing in Poland unrestricted (and completely unjustified!) and uncontrolled use of chemicals in the form of spray solutions. Spraying leads to the creation of „herbicide desserts", devoid of any vegetation. Additionally, this commonly used method represents a serious health hazard for humans and animals, being fatal for soil-dwelling organisms and pollinating insects (the emergence of abiotic zones).

We must not allow to have resources spent on feigned control of Sosnowsky’s hogweed and similar species! We must demand effective control of this plant! Mowing not only fails to destroy hogweed, but can contribute to seed dispersal and cause a yo-yo reaction (increase in live mass and level of toxic substances in response to cutting).

Effective control of 1 ha of hogweed is much better than feigned eradication 100 ha by cutting. These costs do not bring the expected outcomes. Mowing should only be used as an intermediate measure for limiting the size of the above-ground populations before taking other, effective actions.


It’s also up to you whether these methods are effective and safe for the environment and whether financial resources are used rationally.

Please read the “Guidelines for the Control of Sosnowsky’s Hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi) and Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) in Poland” prepared by the Foundation at the request of the General Directorate for Environmental Protection.

Requirements for tenders organised by commune, city and county councils for the chemical and mechanical control of Sosnowsky’s hogweed:

  • the tendering procedure is open to individuals (companies) holding valid documents confirming the completion of relevant training on the control of dangerous, invasive plants, including Health & Safety at Work issues,
  • if the tender requirements include the use of the innovative PASTWA Method and Technique, a certificate permitting the use of patent no. 220254 should be requested.



Nasz adres / Our address

ul. Klonowa 8
66-431 Santok


Zadzwoń / Call

+48 601 324 111
+48 884 710 071 (English)


Nasza oferta

- Gromadzenie wiedzy
- Organizacja szkoleń
- Ekspertyzy i doradztwo
- Badania terenowe
- Zwalczanie roślin
- Współpraca z samorządami

Our Service

- Gathering knowledge
- Organization of training
- Expertise and consulting
- Field research
- Combating plants
- Cooperation with local governments