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The Foundation offers hogweed control services throughout Europe, incorporating different methods, particularly, the innovative PASTWA Method and Technique in any terrain, including state-owned forests, national parks and protected areas without jeopardising the safety of flora and fauna – safe for bees.

Established in 2010, we focus on raising risk awareness and on measures aimed to reduce the uncontrolled expansion in Poland of Sosnowsky’s hogweed - a plant that is extremely dangerous to human and animal health.

Studies conducted recently by research teams from the University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw proved the presence of Sosnowsky’s hogweed as an invasive and highly expansive species in Poland. In 1995, the official documents of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry listed 48 hogweed stands. According to the studies conducted by the Laboratory of Applied Plant Ecology at the University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw, the total number of tested stands till the end of July 2012 was 128, and the number from more recent reports totalled 521.

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Taking measures aimed at controlling hogweed is the duty of local authorities. This has been presented in the position of the Government of the Republic of Poland included in the response of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development to the interpellation of MP Witold Pahl, and in the Act on commune authorities (JoL from 2001 No 142, item 1591, as amended). On 9 September 2011, the Minister of Environment passed a regulation on the list of alien plant and animal species, that could be a threat to native species or natural habitats in case of their release into the natural environment (JoL of 4 October 2011 No. 210, item 1260). The annex to this regulation includes Sosnowsky’s hogweed.

If your commune has been invaded by Sosnowsky’s hogweed or borders with such a commune, the health of the inhabitants and the natural environment are at risk. Therefore, supported by relevant provisions of the amended Act of 24 April 2003 on public benefit activities and voluntary work (JoL from 2010 No. 234, item 1536) we call for measures to manage the invasion of this species in an organised manner.

So far, experience in the control of this plant has shown that we need to put together and implement a coordinated, long-term Sosnowsky’s Hogweed Control Programme within communes.

Given the seriousness of the threat and the potential impact on communes in case the measures proposed by our Foundation are not introduced, we urge you to take on, as soon as possible, relevant, long-term and well-planned actions to fight this plant; a plant that is highly dangerous to human and animal health, and causes not only environmental degradation, but also material losses to the residents and commune budgets.

The Foundation pursuits the mission of controlling hogweed invasion by:

  • organising for its own use and supporting watchdog activities as regards the distribution of hogweed stands and measures taken by communes;
  • helping communes organise the Commune Hogweed Control Programme
  • identifying hogweed species and issuing expert opinions
  • conducting:
  1. training – workshops on the practical methods for eradicating Sonsowsky’s hogweed and similar species and Safety & Hygiene at Work for local authority staff, enterprises and private individuals, complete with a final certificate;
  2. training on the application of plant protection products using field equipment, apart from equipment mounted on rail vehicles and other equipment used in railway, on counselling related to plant protection products and integrated production, aimed to eradicate invasive hogweed species:
    The training ends with an exam and a certificate valid for 5 years.
  3. inventory – Inventory and valorisation and forecasting of giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum s.l.) and Sosnowsky’s hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi Maden) presence in communes, prepared in close cooperation between the Foundation and experienced scientists.
  4. educational and information activities.
  5. supervision and monitoring of the performance of entities responsible for hogweed control in the commune.

 Upon your request, the Foundation will either undertake or support these type of measures in your commune.

The “Palący Problem – Heracleum” Foundation is entered into the Register of entrepreneurs conducting plant protection training under the number 08/01/3123 and carries out business activities in all the provinces in Poland.


Nasz adres / Our address

ul. Klonowa 8
66-431 Santok


Zadzwoń / Call

+48 601 324 111
+48 884 710 071 (English)


Nasza oferta

- Gromadzenie wiedzy
- Organizacja szkoleń
- Ekspertyzy i doradztwo
- Badania terenowe
- Zwalczanie roślin
- Współpraca z samorządami

Our Service

- Gathering knowledge
- Organization of training
- Expertise and consulting
- Field research
- Combating plants
- Cooperation with local governments